We’re giving away Joost invites, because we love you all


Fellow gearheads. It’s now time to start your Joost engines. We’ve got a ton of invites roaring and ready to go. You want one? Leave us a comment with your first and last name and your e-mail address and we’ll hook you up.

Or you can email us at gearfuse at gmail dot com, if you don’t feel like sharing that info. Go! Go!

Update: Plenty of invites still left. Everyone who has requested them has got them. When we say plenty left, we mean like, over 900 invites, so don’t hesitate!

Update 2 (3/9/07 7:50 AM): Keep the requests coming. We still have a crazy amount of invites left! If you don’t get the invite right away, just hold tight. We’ll get to you.  

About Andrew

Hey Folks! Myself Andrew Emerson I'm from Houston. I'm a blogger and writer who writes about Technology, Arts & Design, Gadgets, Movies, and Gaming etc. Hope you join me in this journey and make it a lot of fun.


  1. Dammit, and my email is a closely guarded secret!
    Michael Fahey
    Fahey@kotaku.com. 😉

  2. Carlos Quiroga

    Name; Carlos Quiroga
    mail: shako77@gmail.com

    Plissssss can i have one?? xD

  3. awesome – hook me up! (or, would it be plug me in? ;p )

  4. Name: Josh Myers
    E-mail: unseenultra@gmail.com


  5. My Internet connection speed cannot support Joost. 🙁

  6. can i have one 🙂


  7. Nosherwan Yasin

    Thank you, thank you, thank you….

  8. Uzma Noormohamed


  9. Carlos Quiroga

    just want to say tnks.. 😉

  10. Imran Noormohamed

    i want an invite!

  11. please send invite MattSim85@yahoo.com

  12. Can I get one please?

  13. Shizzle Hizzle

    I’m so juiced! …Sorry, that was bad.

    nognognog at gmail dot com


  14. Ashish Manandhar

    Joost invite please. thanks.

  15. Yes! Send me an invite! Please! Am I too late?


  16. Anisa Noormohamed

    i’ll take one. thanks.

  17. Kick ass I hope some are left still!!


  18. I hope some are left as well!!!!


  19. here is hoping again


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