Fellow gearheads. It’s now time to start your Joost engines. We’ve got a ton of invites roaring and ready to go. You want one? Leave us a comment with your first and last name and your e-mail address and we’ll hook you up.
Or you can email us at gearfuse at gmail dot com, if you don’t feel like sharing that info. Go! Go!
Update: Plenty of invites still left. Everyone who has requested them has got them. When we say plenty left, we mean like, over 900 invites, so don’t hesitate!
Update 2 (3/9/07 7:50 AM): Keep the requests coming. We still have a crazy amount of invites left! If you don’t get the invite right away, just hold tight. We’ll get to you.
Dammit, and my email is a closely guarded secret!
Michael Fahey
Fahey@kotaku.com. 😉
Name; Carlos Quiroga
mail: shako77@gmail.com
Plissssss can i have one?? xD
awesome – hook me up! (or, would it be plug me in? ;p )
Name: Josh Myers
E-mail: unseenultra@gmail.com
My Internet connection speed cannot support Joost. 🙁
can i have one 🙂
Thank you, thank you, thank you….
just want to say tnks.. 😉
i want an invite!
please send invite MattSim85@yahoo.com
Can I get one please?
I’m so juiced! …Sorry, that was bad.
nognognog at gmail dot com
Joost invite please. thanks.
Yes! Send me an invite! Please! Am I too late?
i’ll take one. thanks.
Kick ass I hope some are left still!!
I hope some are left as well!!!!
here is hoping again
Tracy Dodson
Victoria Duffy