Buying the right car insurance is more important than buying a car. It ensures that you are insured on the road and don’t have to worry about getting yourself into a debacle on the road.
Assessing the car insurance coverage is another thing you have to be extra careful of. Companies offer different types of car insurance coverage, but which one should you opt for?
This article will explore the top types of car insurance and the one best suited to your needs.
1. Progressive Car Insurance
When assessing different types of car insurance, Progressive Mutual Insurance Company is a recurring name in the list.
Besides its popular auto insurance, the company is pretty popular for its home and life insurance policies. But, amidst all the coverages, Progressive is one of the leading car insurance providers because of its innovative coverage and plans.
Instead of charging hefty coverage, Progressive insurances are pretty priced to ensure that customers get the maximum benefit. However, before availing of one, we recommend you explore everything you need about Progressive insurance.
2. Third-Party Liability Only Cover
Another common and effective car insurance coverage worth considering is this. This is a must-have for you to be able to drive on the road.
Under this coverage, individuals are insured for the following:
- Cost or repairs of any damaged car parts of the third-party
- Cost of hospitalization due to an accident involving a third-party
- Imposed liability in case of a death of a third party due to an accident
The insurance premium and the overall sum insured under this coverage depends on the car one is driving and their driving record.
3. Comprehensive Car Insurance
If the name of the coverage wasn’t a giveaway, comprehensive car insurance provides an individual with the highest level of protection against damage or potential accidents.
It covers more or every last issue that you could potentially think of, including:
- Third-party coverage
- Personal accident cover
- Non-collision damage cover and so on.
If you don’t want to take any risks and insure your vehicle for any situation that arises while on the road, this is possibly the best choice.
4. Zero Depreciation Insurance
This one is more of an add-on than actual car insurance. Since a car is a depreciating asset, standard car insurance doesn’t always cover some of the damaged parts in the vehicle.
In that case, you’d need to focus on getting an add-on insurance coverage that will cover those additional complications and fetch you the entire claim amount without any complications.
5. Collision Damage or Own Damage (OD) Cover
This type of car insurance coverage comes in handy when you get into an accident with another car or hit your car against a solid object like a fence, wall, etc.
Under collision damage and coverage, the car insurance company will be compelled to pay for the repair or replacement of the car. This involves a few different pointers and takeaways, including the age, type of vehicle, insured amount, etc.
If you are new to car insurance, focusing on the right policies can make a huge difference. Having a comprehensive understanding of the different types of insurance coverage will make a choice a lot easier for you to make.