Despite repeated campaigns to urge young women to see their own beauty rather than live up to the “beauty ideals” portrayed by the media, many girls still starve themselves, spend hours painting on makeup and feel miserable. Today we are taking a look at modern beauty ideals and showing you exactly what it takes to be a supermodel in hopes that you’ll see…ain’t nobody got time for dat!
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Supermodels MUST be around 5’9 and weigh between 110 to 120 lbs. That’s a BMI of between 16 to 18 and in order to maintain that weight the models are encouraged to starve themselves according to top agent, Richard Habberley. A BMI of 18.5 to 24.9 is considered “healthy.” While BMI categories certainly vary for the majority of people a BMI under 16 means that they fall in to the severely thin category. Individuals in this category are at high risk of suffering health effects as a result of being underweight. Just one of these health effects is the absence of menstruation and osteoporosis.
Keep in mind too that gaining any weight is frowned upon and will reflect in your career with snarky comments from…well, just about everyone.
Still not convinced that the supermodel life isn’t a little centered on looking perfect? Take a look at these cover samples from LOVE magazine. The idea was to have eight very “different” supermodels pose naked in order to showcase the different body types that can be beautiful…

Yeah…we’re still a little warped in the point of view department here aren’t we guys?
Via: Forbes