Why Google Ads are a Required Marketing Strategy

There are numerous digital marketing strategies you can use to generate more traffic to your website, get email signups, and generate sales. For example, there’s direct mail marketing, paid ads that lead to sales pages, content marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and social media content.

While all of these strategies can be effective, running Google Ads is the one digital marketing strategy you don’t want to skip.

What are Google Ads?

Google Ads

Google Ads are paid advertisements that promote your business and become visible when users search for something related on Google. Google Ads show up at the top of the search results page before organic search results. These ads are pay-per-click (PPC), which means you only pay when a user clicks on your ad.

On the back end, you set a specific budget for how much money you’d like to spend in total, and the amount of money you pay per click is determined by how much you bid for those clicks. You’ll be competing with similar businesses to have your ads displayed, and whoever has a higher ad rank will get their ad shown higher up. Ad rank is determined by several factors including your maximum bid multiplied by and your Quality Score. Generally speaking, the more competitive your industry, the more you’ll need to pay per click. If you bid far less than everyone else in your industry, your ad isn’t likely to show up at all.

Some Precautions About Google Ads

While Google Ads are a proven source of relevant website traffic that converts, you do need to be cautious about not breaking the rules. If you make a mistake, there’s a good chance your account will be suspended. In fact, accounts get suspended regularly for bogus violations and inaccurate assessments. If this ever happens to you, there are ways to get your Google Ads account reinstated, but you need to make sure you don’t break more rules in the process. For instance, don’t submit appeal after appeal or get mad and yell at Google. Get in touch with a company that specializes in reversing Google Ads suspensions and let them handle everything for you.

Why Google Ads are Ideal

Google processes 8.5 billion searches per day, and some of those searches include phrases and terms related to your business. Traditionally, search engine optimization (SEO) has been the go-to digital marketing strategy to get visibility in the search engines, and that is unlikely to change anytime soon. However, the problem is that SEO is a long-term strategy for generating traffic that doesn’t produce immediate results. Google Ads, on the other hand, will generate immediate traffic to your website.

Google Ads should be a priority because these paid ads can make your business visible at the top of search results pages even if your website never shows up in a single search. When users search for a phrase relevant to your business, if you optimize your ads correctly, they’ll see your ad before any organic search results. If they click, they’ll go directly to your website through whatever URL you designate. Although it’s not a substitute for SEO, Google’s paid ads allow you to bypass the lengthy process of optimizing your website for search just to start getting traffic. Ideally, both SEO and paid ads should be implemented together.

Don’t Put All of Your Eggs in One Basket

Although Google Ads has huge potential to bring you plenty of revenue, don’t rely on one channel for all of your website traffic. If you don’t diversify your digital marketing efforts, and Google terminates your ads account, you’ll lose all your traffic and revenue. Make sure you’re also using other digital marketing methods, like SEO and social media marketing. It’s also a good idea to try out different paid ad platforms, like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and any other platform your ideal customers spend time browsing.

Paid Ads are an Excellent Way to Generate Immediate Revenue

When you need traffic fast, paid ads are the ideal solution. As soon as you launch your campaign, your ads will start showing up, and as long as you have enticing ads, you’ll get clicks. Google Ads are an easy way to generate fast traffic to your website, and as long as your content converts, you can get a steady stream of email signups and sales.

If you haven’t already implemented Google Ads in your digital marketing strategy, don’t wait any longer. You could start sending targeted traffic to your site in just a few hours.

About Olivia

Hey Friends! This is Olivia Hadlee from San Diego, California. I'm 28 years old a marketer, professional blogger, and writer who talks about the Latest Technology, Movies, Gadgets, Lifestyle, Arts & Design, Gaming, etc. Read my latest blogs.

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