Yale Scientists Develop World’s First Anti-Laser

Lasers. If you watch science fiction, you know that our future will be dominated by weaponry that uses them in one form or another. Now it appears that two scientitst at Yale University have found a way to combat lasers, with a device called a “nega-laser.”

The Anti-Laser works like this: The “gain medium,” which amplifies the light that is used for a laser, is switched to a “loss medium,” which absorbs light. Sounds simple, right? Well, according to Douglas Stone, it wasn’t.

For about four months it just wasn�t working. Part of the problem is that all experiments just have certain imperfections that the theory doesn�t have. But we kept at it, because no one had really done anything like this before. And now that it works, it should be very easy to recreate.

So what do you use an anti-laser for? Well, Stone says that one of the things it could be used for is fighting cancer.

With our method, you might be able to get light in the center of a medium for therapeutic or radiological application. Already, radiation for cancer does something like this but uses a different principal. And it can only shrink tumors near the surface of the skin. But in our case, CPAs may be able to reach a bit deeper.

Translation: “Cancer ray gun.” This kind of technology is still in its infancy, but in a few years who knows what incredible uses it could be purposed for.


About Mohit


  1. Where does the energy go? If it is not simply scattering the beam energy, there should be some energy from the “loss medium”.

  2. So would anti-lasik surgery make your vision worse?

  3. Ralph, the energy from the laser is absorbed by the silicon and becomes heat.

  4. Stonemason89: Sorry for being dense, but isn’t that what would have happened when a laser impacts something anyway?

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