If you happen to be the proud owner of a registered Zune (as I am), then you received an odd email in your inbox today. Why was it odd? Because it was so plain. It seemed like it was just a thank you letter from Microsoft for registering your Zune. Titled “Welcome to the Social” it seems like just any other advertisement you might receive from Microsoft. OK, now to go the Zune site and you’ll notice that in the upper left hand corner it says that the site was updated today (1/16/07). If you are able to find the Zune PassItOn site, you will notice something new. There is word of podcasts! With a nice large rectangle featuring the set of NPR podcast, it looks like we are turning a new page with Microsoft. Podcasts are amazing, if you haven’t been exposed to the world of podcasting, google it now and be amazed. So what does podcast support mean for the Zune? Probably not too much in terms of sales. Apart from sales, it does mean a whole bunch of very happy early adopters (who aren’t exactly early anymore). Customer satisfaction is what firmware updates are all about, and Microsoft needs to get this podcast support out ASAP! — Nik Gomez